Many people wants to be able to speak English fluently, not only to communicate to foreigners but also to develop their insight. That's why I offer an alternative way to learn English in a fast and effective way.
Learn English by focusing on content, not grammar.
What do I mean by content? I mean, learn English by focusing on meaningful communication and meaningful information.
Most schools, and most students, focus on the mechanics of the language. They study verb conjugations. They study the “rules” of prepositions. They analyze the language as if it was a dead thing.
All of these traditional methods are analytical.
But English is not a dead thing to analyze- it is a living language. It is a means of communication.
Your brain is naturally fantastic at learning languages. Your brain is created to learn languages. But you must learn in ways that are friendly to your brain.
If you bore your brain with rules, you will learn slowly. If you try to analyze the language, you will learn slowly. If you try to memorize vocabulary, you will learn slowly. If you study textbooks and take tests, you will learn slowly.
Your brain is a super-fast English learning machine– use it correctly and you will learn super-fast!
Here’s how to make your brain happy and learn English fast:
Learn with stories. Our brains love stories– its the oldest, most natural form of communication.
Focus on meaning, not form. In other words, don’t worry about grammar rules. Focus instead on understanding and being understood.
Listen to the music of English carefully. To improve pronunciation, listen very carefully to the intonation of English speakers– pretend you are listening to music.
Choose content you love. Only listen to and read English content that is interesting, meaningful, or funny to you. If you don’t enjoy it– find something else!
Read easy novels, not textbooks. Again, the brain loves stories and hates boring drills. Burn your textbooks… read easy, fun, interesting English novels instead. Read a lot of them!
Make friends, join a community. English is for communication– so communicate with other English speakers! Forget about mistakes. Forget about grammar. Just relax and communicate!
By smiling, having fun, and focusing on meaningful content, you will make your brain happy. And a happy brain learns very fast.
Use these brain friendly strategies to increase your English speaking improvement 2-4 times faster.
Enjoy and speak excellent English!
Learn English by focusing on content, not grammar.
What do I mean by content? I mean, learn English by focusing on meaningful communication and meaningful information.
Most schools, and most students, focus on the mechanics of the language. They study verb conjugations. They study the “rules” of prepositions. They analyze the language as if it was a dead thing.
All of these traditional methods are analytical.
But English is not a dead thing to analyze- it is a living language. It is a means of communication.
Your brain is naturally fantastic at learning languages. Your brain is created to learn languages. But you must learn in ways that are friendly to your brain.
If you bore your brain with rules, you will learn slowly. If you try to analyze the language, you will learn slowly. If you try to memorize vocabulary, you will learn slowly. If you study textbooks and take tests, you will learn slowly.
Your brain is a super-fast English learning machine– use it correctly and you will learn super-fast!
Here’s how to make your brain happy and learn English fast:
Learn with stories. Our brains love stories– its the oldest, most natural form of communication.
Focus on meaning, not form. In other words, don’t worry about grammar rules. Focus instead on understanding and being understood.
Listen to the music of English carefully. To improve pronunciation, listen very carefully to the intonation of English speakers– pretend you are listening to music.
Choose content you love. Only listen to and read English content that is interesting, meaningful, or funny to you. If you don’t enjoy it– find something else!
Read easy novels, not textbooks. Again, the brain loves stories and hates boring drills. Burn your textbooks… read easy, fun, interesting English novels instead. Read a lot of them!
Make friends, join a community. English is for communication– so communicate with other English speakers! Forget about mistakes. Forget about grammar. Just relax and communicate!
By smiling, having fun, and focusing on meaningful content, you will make your brain happy. And a happy brain learns very fast.
Use these brain friendly strategies to increase your English speaking improvement 2-4 times faster.
Enjoy and speak excellent English!
Label: All About English
Bayi-bayi yang disusui oleh ibunya akan tenang dan tidak mudah gelisah untuk waktu yang lama. Bahkan setelah mereka disapih mereka lebih kuat menghadapi situasi yang bisa membuat stres, misalnya perceraian orangtuanya. Demikian bukti ilmiah terbaru tentang manfaat ASI bagi bayi yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Archives of Disease in Childhood.
"Bayi yang disusui, tidak terlalu terpengaruh oleh perceraian atau perpisahan orangtuanya, mereka juga tidak mudah gelisah dan cemas," kata Dr Scott Montgomery, ahli epidemiologi di Karolinska Institute Swedia, seperti dikutip reuters.ASI mengandung banyak nutrisi, hormon, enzim, untuk pertumbuhan dan kekebalan tubuh yang diturunkan ibunya ke bayi. Penelitian tersebut juga menunjukkan ASI mampu mengurangi infeksi, penyakit pernapasan dan diare pada bayi. Ibu yang menyusui bayinya juga bisa terhindar dari pendarahan setelah melahirkan. Montgomery dan timnya meneliti bagaimana bayi berusia 10 tahun yangdiberi ASI dan yang diberi susu formula menghadapi stres akibat masalah perkawinan orangtuanya.Sekitar 9000 bayi menjadi responden penelitian ini. Mereka dimonitor sejak lahir sampai masuk sekolah. Guru-guru di sekolah juga ditanyai tentang tingkat kegelisahan anak-anak tersebut dalam skala 0-50. Ternyata anak yang dulunya mendapat ASI bisa menghadapi masalah dan stres lebih baik dibandingkan yang tidak mendapat ASI. Tetapi para peneliti belum mengetahui kaitan antara ASI dengan tingkat kegelisahan. Menurut dugaan sementara, anak-anak yang disusui tidak mudah gelisah karena saat disusui mereka merasa mendapat kasih sayang orangtuanya, pelukan dan dekapan ibu saat menyusui juga menenangkan bayi. Selain itu menyusui juga berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan tubuh dalam merespon stres."Semakin kita pelajari tentang ASI, semakin banyak manfaat yang kita temukan. Menyusui bisa disebut sebagai salah satu hal penting dalam perkembangan manusia," kata Montgomery.Bulan Agustus telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah sebagai bulan ASI Nasional. Sayangnya menurut data yang dikeluarkan Unicef hanya 14 persen bayi di Indonesia yang disusui secara esklusif oleh ibunya hingga usia 4 bulan.
Label: Cerita Bunda
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